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CC Enhancer/Ceramic Underglaze Kit #2


In the fused glass world, we refer to these as CC Enhancers.

These colors are used on earthenware, stoneware/porcelain, and fused glass.

14 colors in 1 oz. or 2 oz. size comes in this kit that was chosen, from our 41 colors available in our ceramic underglaze line, to enhance your glass enamel work.

  • Do not use directly on glass without following the firing guides below.
  • Dilute with water when using.
  • If applied heavy it will be a matt finish and can be rough to the touch.
  • Fine clear powdered frit can be sifted over to ensure a smooth finish.

Vellum Grey Candy Apple Red  Sunflowers  Cabernet  CC139 Midnight Blue Blueberry Powder Blue  CC153 Peacock Blue  Key Lime Mountain Pine  Nutmeg Burnt Sienna Raw Umber  Aqua Splash

Download a full-color flyer of all Color Concentrates available.  Color Concentrate Color Chart PDF

Overview and quick reference guides on using CC’s on fused glass.  Download PDF files here CC on Thinfire & Fused Glass OverviewsQuickReferenceGuides

CC’s on Fused Glass 2018 Glass Pg 4

Color Concentrates (CC’s) are pure pigment suspended in a gel base that helps facilitate the application of color.  They are manufactured as translucent underglaze on greenware or bisque in the ceramics industry.  The Glass Enhancement Color Concentrate kits (CCGKIT#1 & #2) consist of 14 of the most popular colors in 1 & 2-ounce squeeze bottles, Kit #3 is the (CCGKIT#3) is the remainder of the CC’s.
Color Concentrates (CC’s) may be used to detail and enhance the fired glass enamels with specific techniques.  The concentrates should be thinned with water to apply over the dry glass enamels on projects to result in a glossy finish.  Applied in its purest form directly on the glass enamels can result in a matte or semi-gloss textured finish.
Color Concentrates applied directly to a glass surface will result in a matte and non-food-safe finish.  It must either be capped or applied on top of the glass enamel color to be food-safe.

Techniques include: 

  • Watercolor washes for shading.
  • Fine detailing (i.e. hair, fur, feathers, small detailing)
  • Sponged
  • Stamped
  • Spattered
  • Airbrushed
  • Stenciled
  • Brushed on for backgrounds.
  • Brushstrokes
  • Stamping and Brushstrokes on Thinfire Paper fused between glass.
When applying watercolor type washes and details on top of the dry glass enamel colors the application of the water reconstitutes and darkens the underlying glass enamel so it is very important not to move the brush back and forth over the application.  This may result in the movement and even removal of the glass color from the glass surface.  Plan your approach, apply the color and allow it to dry completely.  Additional application of the concentrate may be applied once an area is dry again.  Color that is applied on top of glass enamels will “bloom” or diffuse slightly and will appear much darker than the actual application.  If the Color Concentrates are not capped with glass they are not food safe have a matt finish and could scratch off.  It is recommended that you cap with clear sheet glass or sift with clear powdered frit.
Things to remember:
  • It can be applied over dry enamels.
  • It can be applied directly to glass with precautions.
  • Clean edges.  If CCs are all the way to the edge and the top glass is not larger they will cause the glass not to seal in that area.  Cut the top glass slightly larger than the bottom glass.
  • Sift clear powdered frit between to help eliminate bubbles.
  • Cap with clear
  • Made for ceramics originally.
  • They are a pure pigment in a gel base and congeal in the bottle.  They need to be shaken up vigorously so that they are ready to use.
  • Color can be set at 1225 with a 20-minute hold so you can come back and work on top.
  • These are NOT enamels, they are translucent underglazes made for ceramics originally.
  • They are a pure pigment in a gel base and congeal in the bottle.  They need to be shaken up vigorously so that they are ready to use.  Darker colors tend to be much thicker and they may require a drop or two of water.
  • When using brush strokes and loading 2 colors on the brush at the same time, both colors need to be the same consistency.  So, if one is thicker than the other you need to thin the other to the same consistency.
  • Remember the CFE numbering system, if you used G361 to flood an area, don’t use CC161 to detail or shade.  Same pigment in both colors so you need to go a shade lighter or darker depending on your technique.
  • Refer to firing schedules when using these directly on glass or thinfire paper.  It will make a difference and will help with bubble control.

This plate is earthenware fired to cone “06”

This has no clear over it! Cone 6

This plate has Mayco SW-004 zinc-free clear glaze on it. Fired to cone 6!

These color wheels were done with a #6 square shader that shows 1, 2, and 3 coats of each color!

Weight 4 lbs
Dimensions 7 × 5 × 4 in


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