This stamping medium is by North St. Studio (Jennifer Joy Walkovich)
- .45 ounce glass bottle with cap and dropper cap accessory
- Mix SSB101 Silkscreen Black or SSB102 Silkscreen White with the “Stamping Medium” with a palette knife to a paste consistency like brownie batter.
- Add a drop or 2 of the “Stamping Oil” and mix with a palette knife to a silky consistency.
- Load the mix with the “NorthSTStudio” Brayer.
- Rollover your stamp a couple of times until coated and glossy looking.
- Stamp on the glass.
- Immediately take a CFE Sparkle or Enamel Color on the tip of a palette knife and tap on it over your wet stamped image and allow some of the powder to fall down on it in random areas.
- Using your fingertip you will gently rub the dry enamel over the top of the stamped image. If you feel your finger drag over the top of the stamp you are pressing too hard. The dry enamel will attach itself to the wet area.
- With a soft brush, brush off the excess dry enamel and clean up around your image.
- We recommend that you use the SSB102 White Silkscreen color underneath any colored enamel. It is like a primer and helps make it more opaque.
- The SSB101 Black Silkscreen would be if you are going to use black or a dark color. You could use it for the sparkles also.
- Fire and set your image at 1350 for your CFE products.
- Use this as a “Part Sheet” in your other designs or as a stand-alone element.
- Clean all your stamps and brayer with 91% Alcohol.
Don’t forget to get your “Stamping Medium” and “Brayer”!